Pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera)

Fishermen and anglers  have caught large number of Pigfish on hook and line also in nets in warm temperate waters. It is mainly used as bait for larger predators. Pigfish in reef The pigfish has long anal fins, matching the soft dorsal fin in shape and in size. The head is sloped and pointed, the snout almost piglike, and the lips thin. A background color of bluish-gray is marked with brassy...

Crappie Fish (Calico Bass)

Crappie Fish one of the large number of sea bass fish found in the eastern Pacific, Crappie or kelp bass is a popular sport fish in southern California, as a pillar of the boat trip to the party Baja California. Because it is a powerful fighter and an excellent food fish, Crappie highly prized by fishermen. Their popularity and status of non-migratory populations of the algae bar put at risk of over...

Remoras or Sharksucker (Naucrates Echeneis)

Remoras is the members of Echeneidae family , remoras or sharksuckers are thin fish that have flat sucker disck on their head.  Often see remoras sucking sharks and other fish such as marlin, grouper, and the rays, but sometimes bottom boats or other objects. These hitchhikers easy to drive with their hosts, parasitic copepods that feed on hosts can be found in the bodies and chambers Gill....

Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Milkfish is very important fish for the Indo-Pacific region, where it is widely used for food, but is mostly ignored in North America. However, his appearance has caused fishermen tarponlike and misidentify, and spend much time in vain tried to do it lures and flies. Milk Fi...

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